Many businesses are frustrated with collecting from customers who write hot checks. The District Attorney’s Office has the statutory authority to assist those who receive checks with insufficient funds. This is done without expense to the business. A Hot Check Coordinator will be assigned to work with businesses in an effort to assist them in collection of these checks. It is important to stop small criminal acts to prevent individuals from going on to bigger crimes.
In our office, Alvin Giroir handles the worthless check collections
in East Feliciana Parish and West Feliciana Parish. Crystal have prepared an informational
packet for the merchants which contains all the information necessary for collection
of worthless checks and distributed them to merchants in West Feliciana and
East Feliciana Parishes.
Procedure when taking a check...
It is critical that you stress to your employees the importance of being thorough when accepting a check. If your business has set a policy for all customers, then no one should have any reason to feel they are being treated unfairly. It is a good idea to post a "check-list" where a cashier can see it easily. It should include at least the following:
Clues for detecting bad checks...